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Public Procurement (Tendering)

Public procurement can be a nuisance. Legal Counsel Services helps governmental organisations to minimise risks and ensure a swift and satisfactory outcome - within the limits of applicable legislation. We are used to work together with client experts in interdisciplinary teams. Examples are the tender for a new multi-operator ticketing system for the public transport in The Netherlands (OV Chipkaart) and various tenders for the municipality of Amsterdam (GVB). For GVB a toolkit was developed to avoid the most common mistakes.

For companies participating in a tender, Legal Counsel Services assists in optimizing chances to win the tender.

Legal Counsel Services gives workshops for authorities to better implement public procurement rules, authored an article published in the Tender Nieuwsbrief (OV Chipkaart: Voorbeeld van innovatief aanbesteden) and set up a network for public procurement project lawyers. We are an active member of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Aanbestedingsrecht.

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